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Do you remember choosing your electric company and can you switch it if needed?
No, it was assigned to you based on your zip code. Electric companies are monopolies, therefore homeowners are landlocked to their electric supplier.
Can you negotiate with your electric company for better rates?
No, you have no say in what your rates will be. The electric company is legally allowed to increase as needed to cover their expenses.
Is there an alternative to being forced to buy your electricity from the electric companies ?
Yes, Solar. By qualifying for a solar system, homeowners can produce their own electricity to power their homes. Typically works out 25%-50% cheaper than buying power from the electric companies

Your electric company has handcuffed you to their services, so you can pickup the tab.
Say NO, to Unfair Monopolies & Say YES to Energy Independence

Solar Panels - Solar PV system is placed on the roof to capture the sun's rays.
Inverter - The captured sunlight gets converted to AC electricity,(usable power)
Monitoring System - System tracks how much electricity is produced and converted for the day
Electric Panel - Once the power is converted to usable power, it feeds to your main break panel for your home to consume.
Electric Meter - Your home gets fed with the converted electricity and any excess electricity goes back to the electric grid, where it will be stored for future use.